Aspasia Nasopoulou


  • 3*1 & Io recording // 22 Jul 2024

    The suite 3 X 1 for square piano and Io for harpsichord were recorded for the new cd of Michael Tsalka and Diana Weston last week in Australia.Release end of the year

  • New composition for Agostinho Sequeira // 23 Jul 2024

    After the exciting collaboration in Semantron I'll compose a new solo work for Agostinho.

    photo, Jacob Haagsma

  • Orkest De Ereprijs // 10 Jul 2024

    Continuing for the next four years as artistic director of Orkest De Ereprijs.

    De Ereprijs gets support for the coming 4 years plans from The Netherlands foundation for performing arts FPK.

  • Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam // 10 Apr 2024

    Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam in the new cd by The Royal Wind Music.

  • Five single breaths premiere, Japanese Sho and Accordion // 08 Jul 2023

    Plein theater last Saturday a great evening
    Naomi Sato, Japanese Sho
    Claudio Jacomucci, accordion

  • Ek-stasis // 07 Sep 2023

    'Krokeatis Lithos-Lakonia' from the suite 'Raw Rocks' in the new double cd of Zoe Samsarelou by divine art

    'Aspasia Nasopoulou's chromatically adventurous “Krokeatis Lithos-Lakonia” brings the project to a provocative end'
    from the review in textura

  • Interview vpro gids // 05 May 2023

    upcoming premiere in Oranjewoud 27,28 May 2023

  • Piece of B, premiere for solo harp, Lavinia Meijer // 03 Oct 2022

    A very special afternoon with the presentation of the new book of Stine Jensen'Het grote boek van mooi en lelijk' in Maroeska Metz's studio with amazing pies!
    Lavinia Meijer a super performer brought in life my miniature 'The piece of B' which I composed especially with big happiness.

  • Fours stars for Een Fantastische Stad // 22 Nov 2021

    review volkskrant

    by Guido van Oorschot

  • Orkest De Ereprijs ontvangt Fair Practice Compositieopdracht Award 2021 // 11 Sep 2021


  • D-R-T online 5 April till 31 December // 22 Apr 2021

    Commission from National Greek opera for the 200 years from the Greek Revolution.

  • Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam // 22 Jun 2021

    was in premiere 28th of May in Radio 4.
    Commission by NTR for the 400 years from the death of J.P.Sweelinck.
    For recorders quartet | Anna Stegmann, Irene Sorozabal Moreno, Juho Myllylä, Marco Magalhães .

  • Tyrvi // 21 Apr 2021

    In Muziekgebouw 23rd of September

  • Dutch Choir Music Now // 02 Jan 2021

    My composition Ymnos for female choir is especially composed for this project.

  • Orgelpark // 22 Oct 2020

    A short residency in Orgelpark composing for the Hyper Organ.
    watch a short video
    Premiere 1st September 2021

  • Orkest De Ereprijs // 28 Jun 2020

    looking ahead

  • Composer's Treat 2021 // 25 Feb 2021

    Guest Composer in 2021 Saskia Vanegas is collaborating with the Two Envelopes duet, harpsichor & percussion.

  • Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam // 22 Oct 2020

    NNA gets support for second season from AFK!
    Looking forward contuning hosting exciting concerts at Plein Theater in Amsterdam Oost!

  • Music for emty spaces // 19 May 2020

    Τύρβη (Tyrvi) New composition for el.guitar for the project
    Music for empty spaces
    Live stream 28th May from Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam


    Review NRC

    read more

  • Aspasia Nasopoulou per 1 januari 2021 de nieuwe artistiek leider van orkest de ereprijs // 16 Dec 2019


  • Arïanna: Liefde zonder grenzen // 25 Apr 2020

    Project in collaboration with World Opera Lab
    Premiere 11/9/20, Podium Mozaïek

    NRC review

  • Harmonie // 10 Jun 2020

    May-June 2020
    Diptych of music & film, with a poem.
    Monolog by Isang Yun & Straight – Bent by Aspasia Nasopoulou
    Fie Schouten, bass clarinet Seldom Sene, recorder quintet
    Melanja Palitta – cinematographer, Piet Gerbrandy – writer
    Supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

  • Composer's Treat 2020 // 29 Oct 2019

    Fojan Gharibnejad will have her residency in buitenwerkplaats/ Cultureland in the end of February 2020. First concert/presentation 1st March Nieuwe NOTEN Amsterdam at Plein Theater by Amici Trio with special guest Miranda Lakerveld!Premiere Gaudeamus 2020.

    photo:Michiko Saiki

  • Three Love Haikus Nomination // 06 Jan 2020

    The composition Three love Haikus was nominated for DUOroboros (mezzo soprano/cello and percussion) Special Prize in Musica Prospettiva 2019-20.

  • Composition Competition in ORDA // 29 Oct 2019

    Open Recorders Days Amsterdam was a great succes!
    The winner of the Composition Competition is Hibiki Mukai!
    Happy to take part in the Jury.

  • 2 Waste // 04 Mar 2019

    A very exciting collaboration with the composer / sound artist Danny de Graan and reConvert percussion duet for a new theater performance based on the story Leonia by Italo Calvino.

  • NEW CD:Not a single road // 31 Aug 2019

    Ten Dipoles in the new cd of Seldom Sene by Brilliant Classics

    Review/ Ben Taffijn Nieuwe Noten
    Review /Thea Dearks

    WATCH 'Square-Oblong'

  • Olinda in MMS project by Erato Alakiozidou // 29 Oct 2019

    In tour in Greece, Italy and Portugal

  • Ersilia for solo recorder and electronics // 14 Oct 2019

    Was performed on the 5th of October by Francesca Clements in the Blokfloejtefestvial in Copenhagen

  • Classic Pure Vienna International Composition Competition 2019 // 10 Jul 2019

    Happy to annoucne that JoHaKyu got honourable mention.The award ceremony was last Sunday 7th of July in Vienna.
    Meeting Point

  • Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam. // 10 Mar 2019

    Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam at the PLEIN THEATER!
    Together with Fie Schouten, we will curate a regular series of concerts and sessions of contemporary music.

    Opening concert was on 22 june 2019
    Praktisch Heldendom voor ieder van ons, de rol van schoonheid, verbeeldingskracht en spel bij de aanpak van wereldproblemen.
    Merlijn Twaalfhoven's interactive presentation outcome of his residency in Composer's Treat

    – masterstudents of Conservatory of Amsterdam
    Marta Fossas Mallorquí (cb), José Nunes (vla), Pau Sola Masafrets (vlc)
    If the river was whisky (2007) – Max Knigge (1984)

    – Dudok (string)Quartet
    strijkkwartet nr 2 (1968) – György Ligeti
    strijkkwartet nr 2 (1985) – Tristan Keuris

  • The full cycle 3*2 in premiere // 04 Mar 2019

    I'm very pleased to have on board the British actor and singer Kevin Walton for the premiere of the entire cycle 3X2 in Geelvinck Festival on 16th of August in the new Luther Museum.
    The last piece Plenitude for baritone and square piano is dedicated to him.

    Kevin Walton

  • Composition Competition in ORDA // 03 Feb 2019

    The international festival ORDA, Open Recorder Days Amsterdam 2019
    hosts for first time a composition competition open for students that pursue a professional degree in composing and to professional composers. The aim of this competition is to increase the number of high quality ensemble compositions written for the recorder, and to stimulate composers and recorder players to work together by giving a platform to new, challenging and exciting ensemble repertoire.The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2019.Public performance of the finalists compositions on the 27th of October 2019 in Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

  • Composer's treat NEWS // 04 Mar 2019

    Very happy, since the beginning of 2019 the initiative is hosted by Stichting Cultureland.
    Composer’s Treat congratulates Jasna Velickovic for the selection of her piece Remote Me for 2 remotes and 3 coils to be performed in ISCM World Music Days 2019 in Tallinn.The composition was developed during her residency last April in Buitenwerkplaats and it was performed by Marijn Korff de Gidts in Nieuwe Noten concert series in de Ruimte.

    The guest of Composer's treat 2019 Merlijn Twaalfhoven just finsihed his residency!
    Merlijn, composer and founder of The Turn Club, a lab for arts in society, explores in his projects the richness of cultural diversity and human interaction, often engaging musicians of contrasting styles, local traditions, or children in large events. He collaborates with artists, scientists, diplomats, and other idealists in new and creative ways.
    The outcome of his residency in a public interactive presentation:*Praktisch Heldendom voor ieder van ons, de rol van schoonheid, verbeeldingskracht en spel bij de aanpak van wereldproblemen 22nd of June.

  • Eastern of the oldest sea // 10 Mar 2019

    We are preparing a surprising collaboration. A series of compositions (30 min) based on traditional songs from the island Lesbos, for the awarded clarinetist Kinan Azmeh, and Seldom Sene!More details will follow.

  • Ikaros // 13 Jun 2018

    The new music poetry performance Ikaros with dance, video and decor was in premiere on the 4th of November in Verkadefabriek during the November Music Festival.
    Supported by the Fonds Podiumkunsten

    Mede door de videoprojectie brengt Nasopoulou het verhaal van Ikaros tot leven. Ronduit schitterend gedaan, met tekst van Henk van der Waal: ‘Zwijgen en stijgen vanwege je vleugelwerk’ en muziek waarin herinnering en verlangen samenvallen. Prachtig.

  • Aqua // 13 Jun 2018

    The video animation for the piece Aqua, for bassoon and percussion is ready!
    A very nice work from Dymphie Huijssen, Rossane Hustinx and Bram Brandhoff.
    Premiere 9th of October 2018 in Hochchule für Musik und Tanz Köln in Cologne by Bram van Sambeek.
    Premiere in the Netherlands, May 2019.

  • Harbours, for flute and electornics in China // 11 Jun 2018

    Harbour and Parallaxis an impressive concert, going in tour in China this summer.
    Cheng Yu-Wu, flute and electronics
    Three pieces of co-composers Amsterdam are in this special event.Very proud for our piece Harbours with Aleksdanra Popovska and Floris van der Vlugt.
    Premiere 29 July 2018 in Taipei , Taiwan

    watch Harbours

  • Olinda and Ochto // 04 Mar 2018

    Olinda and Ochto are in the new released cd of Erato Alakiozidou "In Blue and White" by Odradek. A concert cd/presentation happened in Amsterdam on the 4th of March in Splendor.

  • Takuu/ The sinking island // 20 Mar 2018

    Takuu/ The sinking island (2018), the new composition for the Greek Modern Ensemble premiered on the 20th of March in Athens Concert Hall. Direction: Iakovos Konitopoulos